memilih begitu saja bahasa Inggris
- memilih: choose; choosing; chose; chosen; cull; culled;
- begitu: so; such; that; piercingly; specially; in that
- begitu saja: off hand
- saja: only; nevertheless; all; alone; simply; ever;
- begitu-begitu saja: after a fashion
- biarkan begitu saja: let it go hang
- dengan begitu saja: without ceremony
- menerima makian begitu saja: swallow an affront; swallowed an affront; swallowing an affront
- memilih: choose; choosing; chose; chosen; cull; culled; culling; elect; elected; electing; elective; made choice of; make choice of; making choice of; opt; opted; opting; pick; pick out; pick over; picked ou
- begitu: so; such; that; piercingly; specially; in that way; like that; as soon as; that way; bitter; very; overly; particularly; thus; as; when; excessively; bitterly; just as; bitingly; like this; indeed;
- saja: only; nevertheless; all; alone; simply; ever; uniquely; just; but; precisely; nothing but; yet; mitigative; purely; merely; exactly; exclusively; for all that; just now; still
- berwenang memilih: entitled to vote
- dengan memilih: selectively
- kepandaian memilih: selectivity
- You don't just get to choose.
Kau tidak bisa memilih begitu saja. - You can't just pick and choose.
Kau tak bisa memilih begitu saja. - I mean, if you have more than five IMDB credits you can't pick a wedgie in your back yard without me finding out a way to get paid.
Maksudku, jika kau punya lebih dari lima kredit di imdb (internet movie database) kau tidak bisa memilih begitu saja sebuah sepatu hak di halaman belakang tanpa tahu bagaimana cara membayarnya.